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The PATCH Symposium is a one-of-a-kind opportunity in which health care professionals and young people (ages 12-21) from across Wisconsin will join TOGETHER to learn, share, and grow as adolescent health champions and advocates!

During the 2022 Wisconsin PATCH for Providers Symposium breakout sessions were all co-presented with youth and adults and allowed participants to explore, in depth, the sensitive health topics affecting teens today and best practices in providing care for adolescent patients.


This full day conference was geared towards health care professionals including, nurses, doctors, clinicians, medical students or residents, therapists, counselors, pharmacists, social workers, and any other front-end/support staff. ​


The resources below are shared courtesy of breakout session presenters. Enjoy!

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Breakout Session 1.A - COVID-19 Vaccination and Teens: Using the Right Information to Empower our Health

Dr. Jeff Huebner with youth co-presenters Jess & Loie

Should I get this shot? What about a booster? How many boosters will we need? Should everyone at school or my job be required to get vaccinated? Should people be paid to receive it? Why are COVID-19 vaccination conversations more charged than those for other vaccines? How do we pursue vaccine health equity? These are some of the questions we’ll discuss from the teen perspective in this engaging session, as we separate fact from fiction.Vaccines are one of several important strategies to prevent an array of diseases, keep us healthy, and help our country and world emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. While the COVID-19 vaccines have been one of the greatest medical achievements of our generation, their distribution and uptake have been affected by challenges with access, hesitancy, and mistrust. For some people, they have not been universally accepted with the fanfare of other medical advances, such as new treatments for heart disease or cancer. Rates of COVID-19 vaccination vary by age group, race/ethnicity, education, geography, political affiliation, and other backgrounds, and sub-optimal rates have led to unnecessary illness and death. Amidst a deluge of scientific facts and updates about the COVID-19 vaccine, simultaneous misinformation about it has created a barrier to getting a significant portion of the population vaccinated, and misinformation is a threat to our health in myriad other ways as well.Some adolescents may recall getting other routine childhood vaccinations when they were younger, but as they become older, it is important for them to learn more about how vaccines work, why they are important, and how to make decisions about them. COVID-19 vaccination, along with many other immunizations, will help keep them, their loved ones, and their communities healthy and avoid preventable illnesses. In this session, we’ll learn the facts about COVID-19 vaccination, find good sources of health information for our teens, learn from innovative success stories, and create new strategies to help teens and communities get vaccinated.


Breakout Session 1.B - Serving Youth with Special Health Care Needs: Compassionate Approaches and Considerations

Tim Markle, MA with youth co-presenters Dinah & Alyiah

All adolescents deserve respectful, quality care. All adolescents need help preparing to transition to adulthood and adult health care. But not all adolescents are the same. Some have special health care needs. Adolescents with special needs may need to have better understanding of their condition, their medications and how to stay healthy. They may need to figure out emergency care and medical coverage when they move away from home. Come learn from youth about what they would like their medical team to consider as they prepare to transition to adult health care.


Breakout Session 1.C - Toxic Teen Relationships: Perspectives and Experiences of Peers, Partners, Parents, & Providers

Casey Tobin, PHD, LPC & Keely Rees, PHD, MS, MCHES, NCHEC
with youth co-presenters 
Lauren & Harper

Teens navigate a myriad of tough decisions and pressures with friends, school, family, and health. Relationships start to form outside teens' homes with friends, and soon, intimate relationships become a part of their world. Navigating these relationships can be challenging for many. Variables to consider are the role models in a teen's life, the information they see and hear from their friends, adults, and the media. What happens when teens find themselves in an unhealthy or toxic relationship? Toxic relationships come with adverse outcomes that teens are not often prepared to handle. Do teens know the signs? Do parents? Do health care providers? To whom do they ask for help? This workshop addresses communication strategies and interactive ways to engage parents and providers from the perspectives of teens, parents, and educators. Lastly, presenters and PATCH teen educators will offer tools for the adults providing care or services to teens to be aware of signs of toxicity and offer appropriate resources.



Resource Links

Breakout Session 2.A - Talking about Suicide:
Destigmatizing Mental Health in Health Care Spaces

Jennifer Betters-Bubon, PhD, LCP, Borka Kalani, & Logan Stiegman
with youth co-presenters Ani & Devon

No one likes to talk about suicide. It’s hard to know what to say; you worry about saying the “wrong thing”. At the same time, not talking about it means young people are left relying on each other for help or worse, without any help at all. In this interactive workshop, co-presented by PATCH teen educators and UWW counseling students, we are going to host multiple small table discussions to glean and spread the wisdom of young people


Breakout Session 2.B - Impacts of Inequity & Discrimination on BIPOC Adolescents' Health & Well-Being 

Jill Denson, PHD with youth co-presenter Shanyce

This session will explore how issues impacting Black and Indigenous people of Color (BIPOC) communities affect adolescents. The session will pay special attention related to issues of inequity and discrimination and the residual effects on BIPOC adolescent’s health and well-being.


Breakout Session 2.C- Motivational Interviewing as a Tool in Health Care Transition

Julie Hajewski, BsN, MSN & Laura Saunders, MSSW
with youth co-presenters Martin & Aileena

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is being widely used in a number of areas. Come learn the basics of MI, how it can implemented in a clinical setting and view and example session. MI helps the youth achieve their health goals by increasing their self-advocacy.


Breakout Session 3.A - Perspectives on Youth's Digital Lives: What are the Real Risks and Opportunities

Brad Kerr, MS & Reese Hyzer with youth co-presenter Janice

The interaction between adolescents and technology is complex, poorly understood, and often misrepresented by popular media. The purpose of our session is to promote in healthcare professionals a greater understanding of the digital landscape inhabited and created by youth. Specifically, we will combine our team’s extensive research expertise and experience on adolescent technology use with the integration of youth’s actual perspectives. The workshop will begin with a discussion of why youth voices are important in research related to technology and health. Participants will then be invited to consider perspectives on adolescent technology use as presented in research, news media, and most importantly, in youth’s own words. We will identify areas of overlap and discrepancy between the largely adult-driven conversation on adolescent technology use and the actual, lived experience of adolescents in the digital space. Next, youth will share perspectives on key priorities in research and healthcare and suggest productive pathways for improvement in both areas. The workshop will conclude with a question and answer session in which participants may ask questions of both the youth presenter and research team members. Participants will leave with a fuller appreciation of how those in healthcare can be of service to youth in regards to their technology use while being sensitive to the important role that technology plays in youth’s daily lives.



ADTI Scale


Breakout Session 3.B- Vaping and Teens: The Perfect Storm for a Public Health Disaster

Dr. James Meyer with youth co-presenters Danicah & Naylah

The vaping epidemic is here posing challenges for teens, parents, schools, providers and public health. The tobacco companies hid the health effects and addictive nature of nicotine containing products. The health risks of nicotine obtained through tobacco are well documented. The new nicotine delivery systems advertised by tobacco companies as safer than smoking tobacco have not until recently been scientifically studied. Second hand effects are measurable. Serious health issues are happening. The vaping products are available on-line with glitzy packaging, colorful and easily concealable devices, multiple youth friendly flavors and the cartridges can be self-filled or interchanged to allow mixing of other substances. Youth know teens who are using these substances and have unique opinions on why their peers do what they do. A teen co-presenter will offer insights on this. I will share concerning trends and data as well as propose means to keep addictive nicotine out of the hands and lungs of teens.



Breakout Session 3.C - Creating Inclusive and Sex Positive Health Environments for LGBTQ+ Youth

Dr. Erin Gutowski with youth co-presenters Lavonne & Farley

An interactive session focusing on inclusive, sex-positive resources for youth which can be used to promote evidence-based safer sex practices in our communities.



Small Group Activity

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

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Group Health Cooperative of South Central, Wisconsin

Social Media and Adolescent Health Research Team

Gunderson Health System

And thanks to these awesome exhibitors for being there during the event!

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin

Wisconsin Department of Health Services - Adolescent Health Division

UW School of Medicine and Public Health: Dept of Pediatrics

Medical College of Wisconsin

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) WI

Associated Physicians

Prism Program at Mental Health America, Inc

UW School of Medicine & Public Health: Dept of OBGYN

Promotores De Salud


Youth Health Transition Initiative

Community Action Coalition at South Central WI

CRoME Team @ UW School of Pharmacy

Center for Patient Partnerships

Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault (WCASA)

PATCH Program Teen Educators & Youth Advocates!

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