Family Planning Only Services (FPOS)
& Teens.
FPOS or Family Planning Only Services is an insurance program through the Wisconsin Department of Health Services similar to BadgerCare.​ It is a form of low or no cost health care that covers sexual and reproductive healthcare with the goal of preventing unplanned pregnancies. Specifically, it aims to meet the needs of those with limited income or those who are dependent on parents income, like teens!
The benefit for FPOS coverage, is that it can be kept totally confidential, which means the person getting the care doesn't have to worry about who else may find out from insurance bills, explanation of benefits, or appointment summaries. And for teens, that is extra important because we know youth who are afraid of their parents/guardians finding out about their sexual and reproductive health care are less likely to get needed care!
While there are many opportunities to use FPOS to meet teen health care needs, it can get confusing! Our hope, is that these teen friendly resources will help you support youth in getting the care they need and deserve through FPOS.

Help Us Get the Word Out!
Share the resources above with youth & health care professionals in your networks, or use the sample social media posts below to educate more people about FPOS in our state!

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Do you worry about your parents seeing your healthcare bill? Are you afraid to get tested or treated for STI’s because they will find out? Are you scared to ask your provider for birth control because your parents might find out? All of these are reasons to keep reading!
In Wisconsin, there is an insurance program called family planning only services (FPOS).
This program provides confidential coverage for sexual and reproductive healthcare.
This means you won't have to worry about your parents getting a bill that outs you.
FPOS covers STI testing and treatment, condoms, contraception and birth control, fertility trackers, pap smears, vaccines, breast exams, testicular exams, and more.
You are eligible for FPOS if you are a us citizen or lawful resident, a Wisconsin resident, you personally make less that $3,840 a month, and you are not already enrolled in badger care.
You can apply online at If you need help, you can ask your healthcare provider or you can follow the step-by-step guide available for download at